
Previously publications employing the data presented in the dataset.

Virus Name Subtype“ References’ A/duck/Alberta/35/1976 HIN1 (1) A/turkey/Kansas/4880/1980 HINI (1) A/turkey/South Dakota/7034/1986 HIN1 (1) A/duck/New York/15024-21/1996 HIN1 (1) A/mallard/Alberta/119/1998 HIN1 (1) A/New Caledonia/20/1999 HIN1 (2) A/Solomon Islands/03/2006 HIN1 (1) A/Brisbane/59/2007 HIN1 (3) A/South Dakota/6/2007 HIN1 (4) A/California/4/2009 H1IN1pdm09 (3, 5, 6) A/California/7/2009 H1IN1pdm09 (7) A/Mexico/4482/2009 H1IN1pdm09 (3, 4, 8, 9) A/New York/1682/2009 H1IN1pdm09 (10) A/Texas/15/2009 H1IN1pdm09 (3) A/Netherlands/1132/2009 H1IN1pdm09 (4) A/Michigan/45/2015 H1IN1pdm09 (11) A/Idaho/7/2018 H1IN1pdm09 (11) A/Nebraska/14/2019 H1IN1pdm09 (11) A/Ohio/2/2007 HINIv (12) A/Texas/14/2008 HINIv (12) A/Towa/39/2015 HINIv (7) A/Ohio/9/2015 HINIv (7) A/Hunan/42443/2015 HINIv (13) A/Michigan/288/2019 HINIv (11) A/Minnesota/19/2011 H1IN2v (14) A/Minnesota/45/2016 HIN2v (14) A/Wisconsin/7 1/2016 HIN2v (14) A/Ohio0/24/2017 HIN2v (11) A/California/62/2018 HIN2v (11) A/Alberta/01/2020 HIN2v (11) A/E]I Salvador/2/1957 H2N2 (15) A/Albany/6/1958 H2N2 (15) A/England/10/1967 H2N2 (16) A/mallard/New York/6750/1978 H2N2 (15) A/mallard/Maryland/235/2001 H2N3 (16) A/chicken/Pennsylvania/298 101-4/2004 H2N2 (16) A/swine/Missouri/2 1245 14/2006 H2N3 (16) A/swine/Missouri/4296424/2006 H2N3 (2) A/Victoria/3/1975 H3N2 (17) A/Nanchang/933/1995 H3N2 (18) A/Panama/2007/1999 H3N2 (17) A/Wyoming/3/2003 H3N2 (19) A/New York/55/2004 H3N2 (2) A/Wisconsin/67/2005 H3N2

A/Perth/16/2009 H3N2 (20, 21) A/Texas/50/2012 H3N2 (22) A/canine/Illinois/12191/2015 H3N2 (23) A/swine/Oklahoma/A02218157/2017 H3N2 (24) A/Kansas/13/2009 H3N2v (25) A/Minnesota/1 1/2010 H3N2v (25) A/Pennsylvania/14/2010 H3N2v (25)








A/Hong Kong/486/1997 A/goose/Vietnam/1 13/2001 A/chicken/Indonesia/7/2003 A/chicken/Korea/ES/2003

A/Hong Kong/213/2003 A/chicken/Vietnam/NCVD/3 1/2004 A/Thailand/16/2004 A/Thailand/Kan/353/2004 A/Thailand/SP83/2004 A/Vietnam/1203/2004 A/Vietnam/1204/2004 A/Indonesia/5/2005 A/Vietnam/HN30408/2005 A/chicken/Korea/IS/2006 A/Indonesia/CDC625/2006 A/Egypt/2321-NAMRU3/2007 A/chicken/Korea/Gimje/2008 A/Egypt/4935-NAMRU3/2009 A/BarnSwallow/Hong Kong/D10-1161/2010 A/Egypt/N03072/2010 A/Bangladesh/5487/2011 A/duck/Vietnam/NCVD-672/201 1 A/duck/Vietnam/NCVD- 1206/2012 A/duck/Vietnam/NCVD- 1232/2012 A/Vietnam/VP12-3/2012 A/Cambodia/X01233 11/2013 A/Cambodia/X0810301/2013 A/duck/Vietnam/NC VD-0004/2013 A/duck/Vietnam/NCVD-2848/2013 A/Vietnam/VP13-28H/2013 A/Alberta/1/2014

A/Am Wigeon/SC/22-000345-001/2021 A/Northern Pintail/Washington/40964/2014 A/turkey/Minnesota/10915/2015 A/Sichuan/2622 1/2014 A/Yunnan/14563/2015 A/duck/Bangladesh/19D770/2017 A/gyrfalcon/Washington/41088-6/2014 A/chicken/Texas/18-007912-2/2018 A/turkey/Virginia/4529/2002 A/chicken/Connecticut/2604 13-2/2003 A/New York/107/2003

A/New York/108/2016 A/Canada/504/2004 A/Mexico/7218/2012 A/turkey/California/18-031151-4/2018 A/Netherlands/2 19/2003

(20/2195) (26)





(24) 727) (28)





(19, 27) (27)


(2, 27, 29-31) (27)

(17, 27, 32) (17)



(33) (33) (33) (33) (33) (33) (33) (34)

(33) (33) (34)

(35) (36) (37) (37) (37) (37) (36) (38) (39, 40) (40)

(2, 30, 39, 40) (41) (40) (42) (38) (39, 40)


A/Italy/3/2013 A/turkey/Indiana/1403/2016 A/turkey/Indiana/1573-2/2016 A/shoveler/Egypt/00215-NAMRU3/2007 A/goose/Nebraska/17096- 1/2011 A/Anhui/1/2013



A/Hong Kong/5942/2013

A/British Columbia/1/2015

A/Hong Kong/4553/2016 A/Guangdong/17SF003/2016 A/Taiwan/1/2017 A/chicken/Tennessee/17-007147-2/2017 A/chicken/Tennessee/17-00743 1-3/2017 A/Hong Kong/1073/1999

A/Hong Kong/33982/2009

A/Hong Kong/308/2014 A/Anhui-Lujiang/39/2018


(39, 40) (43) (44) (44) (45) (42) (22) (22) (45) (45) (45) (46) (46) (46) (47) (47) (48) (30) (48) (48)

“HIN1pdm09, denotes viruses isolated from humans after the 2009 H1N1 pandemic. v, denotes variant virus (human infection with swine-origin virus). Epidemiological wave from which H7N9 viruses were isolated from humans is indicated in parentheses. (49). "Where applicable, references to previously published data for each



1. Van Hoeven N, Pappas C, Belser JA, Maines TR, Zeng H, Garcia-Sastre A, Sasisekharan R, Katz JM, Tumpey TM. 2009. Human HA and polymerase subunit PB2 proteins confer transmission of an avian influenza virus through the air. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 106:3366-71.

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Yang H, Chen LM, Carney PJ, Donis RO, Stevens J. 2010. Structures of receptor complexes of a North American H7N2 influenza hemagglutinin with a loop deletion in the receptor binding site. PLoS Pathog 6:e1001081.